AFT’s IIoT Solution Brings Smart Optimization to Paper Mills

Made in Finland Dernière mise à jour 2024/12/02

AFT's Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution, AFTLinx™ Service, is designed to enhance process optimization through a data-driven approach. This innovative technology focuses on optimizing maintenance schedules and refining processes.

AFTLinx service features easy-to-install sensors that gather critical data that can be deployed independently, or the sensor signals can be directly integrated into the mill’s automation system, offering flexible functionality. The system is fully encrypted and includes an automatic backup facility, ensuring uninterrupted operations and continuous monitoring of mill functions.

With AFTLinx service offered alongside our MaxEdge™ refiners, customers can benefit from troubleshooting support provided by AFT’s team of experts. This includes assistance with startups, process optimization, and testing of new refining methods, plate geometries, and equipment, all having a data driven approach for testing.

Technology to incorporate AFTLinx service seamlessly not only to any type of refiner, regardless of manufacturer, but also to other process equipment will be available soon. This will allow a more thorough analysis of mill operations with the help of AFT experts, cloud computing, and machine learning.

AFTLinx IIoT service solution

AFT MaxEdge Double Disc Refiner

To learn more about this new automation solution, read the full interview with Henri Heikkilä, AFT Customer Service Engineer (AFTLinx) in the October/November 2024 edition of Paper Mart magazine: 

AFT’s Innovative IIoT Solution Brings Smart Optimization and Seamless Integration into Paper Mills - Papermart

Have questions regarding AFTLinx service?  Contact us today

AFTLinx IIoT service solution in Paper Mart magazine